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To love, protect and improve the land and territories, this is one of the future challenges for the new generations.

Love Lands Verbano is an open laboratory to promote and put in a network system, especially through the web maps, resources, special features and wealth of the territories near the Lake Maggiore. Through the contribution of everyone (citizens, professionals, athletes, fans, administrators, ..) exploiting the potential of the Mapland portal and social netwok to spread spatial information.

Want to participate?

  • If you are an Informatic practical, new technologies and maps fan can help develop the basic OSM (OpenStreetMap) of our territory >> register for free to OSM and tries to map the territory!

  • If you want to participate and share your resources but you need tech support please contact us and send us material or share on social networks mapland through your ideas, impressions, material

    The result? Loveland, a map, a large map in the making that has the ambition to grow and be enriched over time and that can help to better understand and promote our region